Open Badge Factory, Badgr, Credly
Raising awareness of global developments in open badges and digital micro-credentialing
Open Badge Factory, Badgr and Credly are among the world’s leading digital micro-credentialing platforms. We were asked by their creators to raise awareness of global developments and use-cases for digital micro-credentialing and the open badge standard to help inform and educate their existing and potential customers. We edited and curated a monthly newsletter called Badge News / The Learning Fractal, in which we shared information on policy developments, platforms, reports, case studies of how companies and universities were implementing digital credentialing, research papers, events and more to provide a snapshot of global developments and provide the go-to resource on micro-credentials and related developments.
Case studies (on demand)
Concept exploration
Curated learning programmes
years of monthly newsletters delivered
organisational subscribers
articles, case studies, reports and more shared monthly
newsletter to share platform agnostic information on open badge developments globally