
Making skills visible and seeding the digital credentials movement

Digital credentials can be used to recognise and verify learning wherever and whenever it happens, and enable skills recognition to be shared across the web. Ardcairn’s founder, Grainne Hamilton, has contributed extensively to the initiation and furtherance of skills visibility and digital credentials, including by: contributing authorship to the Open Badges standard that seeded the digital micro-credentialing movement; overseeing the transition of the standard from incubation by Mozilla to stewardship by IMS Global (now 1EdTech) as a steering group member of the Digital Credentialing Initiative; contracting with Mozilla to create the concept and blueprints for Digital Credentials Pathways; founding the world’s first national digital credentials network; defining functionality for a credentialling platform (the OBA); steering group membership of the Open Badge Network, which provided policy recommendations for digital credentials in the European Union; and contributing to Credential Engine task groups to define global interoperability of credentials.


Concept creation
Concept architecture
Collaborative design sessions
UX / UI design
Policy recommendations
Open community facilitation

Top 5

Global companies use the Open Badge standard for digital credentialing


Open Badges issued (as of 2022; findings from 1EdTech & Credential Engine)


Development to revolutionise recognition by initiating multi-sectoral initiatives and global policy on digital credentialing


National network in the world to research open digital credentials application across sectors & services

Regenerating Learning and Recognition with Open Badges

10 years on, has the Open Badge standard delivered the paradigm shift it promised?

Dec 17, 2021

Open Badges in 2020

What’s next, based on distance travelled in 2019?

Jan 17, 2020

7 trends I spotted in Open Badges in 2019

A retrospective on developments over the course of last year.

Jan 17, 2019
