Defining the digital learning & progression strategy for the membership of CIPD
The Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD) is a professional body for HR and people development, and career partner to almost 160,000 members around the world. We led a multi-agency team asked to deliver strategic and technical advice for a new Learning Management (LMS), Continual Professional Development (CPD) and digital credentialing solutions. We ran discovery interviews with personnel from across the organisation to reveal Trapped & Untapped Value (TUV), defined business and user requirements, provided strategic, operational and technical recommendations, and articulated the Customer Value Proposition to ensure membership retention, growth and progression. On completion, CIPD recommended our services to the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH), for whom we initiated similar services.
Diagnostics (bespoke)
Collaborative design sessions
User-centred design
UX / UI design
Workflow engineering
Strategy recommendations
Revealing / Designs for Releasing Trapped & Untapped Value (TUV)
Discovery interviews & collaborative design workshops held with key personnel & stakeholders
TUV items identified
strategic reports & Minimum Viable Product (MVP) outlines for 'Learning on the Go' solutions
Customer Value Proposition for membership retention, growth and progression via digital 'Learning on the Go'
The CPD Cycle
CIPD Continual Professional Development